Wednesday, April 29, 2009

It's Spring On The Farm!!

Spring is here, even though the weather doesn't think so... It's been snowing and blowing here. Yuck!

But we have a baby! I love spring, when the babies start coming. It's the BEST!

Here is the proud Mama... Sky.

Here is the sweet baby. Pictured here with a totally 'thrilled' Angus. Just to give you an idea of size! In case you're confused... this is a Miniature Horse baby =)

He is so tired! It's so hard to be born into this cold, windy world! What a sweet heart he is...

Here is a shot of his little lips. It looks like his lower lip has lipstick =)

And a close up of his little tiny face...

He has one blue eye and one partial blue eye. He was too tired to open his eyes for this photo shoot. I'll have to wait for a warm day! He also has 4 tall white stockings, from his little feet all the way up to his knees. He's going to be a knock out!

I think my Mom is going to name him, "Sky's Little Boy Blue".


Loriann said...

sweet! Yeah spring in here!! hope that you are all well. Love to all, Lori

DeenaL said...

I can't believe how tiny he is! Angus certainly gives perspective on the size! I like the name that Loree picked out. I think spring is supposed to be here on Saturday (we will see). Hope to see you on Sunday!
Aunt D