Thursday, March 5, 2009


Darn it. I missed yesterday's walk down memory lane.

I had to go to the clinic, to find out that I have pneumonia, again. I HATE pneumonia. It makes me feel so tired and weak. I also have an ear infection that is wreaking havic and making me feel very dizzy. Fun.

Sorry to be such a whiner. I am just SO sick of being SICK! It seems like every couple of months I'm coming down with something. It has GOT TO STOP!!

Phew! I feel a little better now. Sometimes ranting really does help ;)


DeenaL said...

Hey sweetie! I'm so sorry you are sick. Pneumonia again? Are you taking vitamins? Have you been run down? Hope you get to feeling better soon. I love you.
Aunt D

Nursing Class of December 2011 said...

Oh man! That totally sucks! I'm so sorry. You should really be drinking the Goji Betty is giving you guys. John and Cheri are never sick anymore! I hope you start feeling better VERY soon! Lucy you!

Sue said...

So sorry to hear you are sick. Pneumonia?! That doesn't sound fun. I have terrible ears myself, so I know how that one feels. I hope you feel better soon!