Wednesday, January 6, 2010


I sit and ponder...

Should I get a Standard Poodle? They make great watch dogs...

Should we move out of town? Then I wouldn't have to pay board for Destino and he would be with me... He is very depressed and not happy in his current location...

Should I go to Bozeman today? It's windy and snowy and below zero... I think, Not.

Should I sell Destino? Then what would I ride in the mountains?

Hmmm... I sit and ponder...


DeenaL said...

Poodles are supposed to be very intelligent AND they don't shed! Is the picture of the house out of town one that is available to rent? I don't know, there are certainly pros and cons to living in the city as opposed to country! I prefer country living myself. Any news on the sale of your house? Keep me up-to-date! Love ya,
Aunt D

DeenaL said...

Poodles are supposed to be very intelligent AND they don't shed! Is the picture of the house out of town one that is available to rent? I don't know, there are certainly pros and cons to living in the city as opposed to country! I prefer country living myself. Any news on the sale of your house? Keep me up-to-date! Love ya,
Aunt D

Nursing Class of December 2011 said...

Decisions, decisions! I don't know what to tell you...the easiest choice of them is the dog! I say go for it if your landlord agrees...Angus may be a little put out however! lol I will be praying that your decisions become easy! Lucy me